R&D subventions
Friendly barrierLess AdapTable City: Proof of Concept (FLATCity-POC)
Financial institution:
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Convocatoria 2021 Retos Sociedade - Proba Concepto
Budget amount:
Dec 1, 2021 to May 31, 2024
Main researchers:
Involved researchers:
This project is a consequence and continuation of the FLATCity project and, in view of its results, it is proposed to carry out a proof of concept with the objective of increasing the knowledge and results obtained and to confirm its innovative potential and facilitate its transfer to the productive sector. In order to achieve this objective, the following activities will be carried out: The research groups that participated in FLATCity propose to carry out a proof of concept with the aim of increasing the knowledge and results obtained and to confirm its innovative potential and facilitate its transfer to the productive sector. To achieve this goal, we want to carry out the following activities: 1) Continue with the development of existing components to make them robust and reliable, and create a system that can be used in real environments. 2) Establish contacts with public administrations (in particular, municipalities) and with companies (in particular, software development companies and engineering companies) to organize a proof of concept of the system in a real environment that allows determining the technical, commercial and social feasibility of the system. 3) Protect the industrial property rights of the system and determine a roadmap to manage and exploit the system in the future. Our goal is to build an information system targeting four stakeholder groups: a city government that provides a new service to citizens, information technology providers that commercialize and operate the system, and engineering providers that commercialize the city street scanning service to carry out an inventory of urban equipment. In addition to improving the processes for extracting data from OpenStreetMap, Twitter, LiDAR point clouds, and information provided by users, we have as a new objective the extraction of information from the city's information system that should provide information about the city. urban infrastructure and occupation of public roads. Finally, we will build two applications: a dashboard that allows the government of a city to evaluate the accessibility of its urban infrastructure, and a mobile application for citizens to compute accessible routes in the city.