
Nieves R. Brisaboa received her first degree in computer science and a PhD from the University of A Coruña, Spain. She is founder and director of the Database Laboratory at the University of A Coruña, from which she supervised the research in databases undertaken at this university. As director of the laboratory, she was the main researcher of 13 projects founded by the public administrations of Galicia and Spain. In addition, she was the director of various development projects founded by public companies (local administration of A Coruña province and the Royal Academy of Galician Language). She serves as a reviewer for international journals and conferences, and supervised six PhD theses. Currently, she is a full-professor within the Computer Science Department, University of A Coruña. Her research interests include digital libraries, text retrieval, compressed text retrieval, deductive databases and spatial databases.
- Publications
- R&D subventions
- Competitions & agreements
- Thesis