
Antonio Fariña received his M.S. degree in Computer Science in 2000 and he earned his PhD in Computer Science in 2005 from the University of A Coruña. Today he is an associate professor at the University of A Coruña. Also he is a member of Databases Laboratory where he has been involved in different research and development projects. His research is mainly focused in Text Retrieval on natural language text collections. Actually, his main contributions to this field are related to text compression, as well as to compressed indexing structures. Other areas of interest are: Algorithms, Searches in Metric Spaces, and Geographic Information Systems. He has been member of the Program Comitte of several Conferences (MDMM, ICEIS, JIDEE). He has also been external reviewer of several international Journals (Computer Journal, JRPIT, Kibernetica, JCSS, EJC, IJCSSE,...) and conferences (ESA, DCC, ACM-SIGIR, CIKM, CCP, PSI, VODCA, MICAI, JISBD).
- Publications
- R&D subventions
- Competitions & agreements
- Thesis