Jornadas 2011: A Coruña, 5-7 de septiembre
JISBD 2011PROLE 2011JCIS 2011


  Lunes 05 (Rectorado)   Martes 06 (Fac. Informática)   Miércoles 07 (Fac. Informática)
9:00   Jornadas de seguimiento IS (JS) 
(Fac. de Informática - Aula 2.2b)
09:00 Conferencia Shari Pfleeger
(Salón de Actos)
[Descargar presentación]
  09:00 JISBD PROLE JCIS JS (Aula 2.2b)
10:00 TPF 10:00 JISBD  Café  Café
JS (Aula 2.2b)
  10:20 PROLE  
  10:30 JCIS 10:30  Café
  11:00  Café 11:00 JISBD PROLE JCIS
  11:30 JISBD  
13:30   13:30 Comida  
    14:00 Comida Comida
15:30 Apertura Jornadas   15:30 JCIS
16:00 Conferencia TECNOCOM   16:00 JISBD PROLE
16:30 Conferencia Carlos Pedrinaci 16:30  Café  
  17:00 JISBD PROLE JCIS 17:00  Café
    17:15 JCIS
17:30  Café   17:30  Café
Mesa Redonda: Evaluación en Informática y carrera profesional

Transporte a hoteles

19:30  Asamblea SISTEDES 19:30

Recogida en hoteles para Cena de Gala en el Pazo de Vilaboa

20:00 Visita guiada por la Ciudad Vieja   20:00 Clausura JISBD
21:30 Recepción en el Rectorado    
José Antonio Ortega Barros

Lunes 5, 16:00-16:30

Perfiles profesionales e innovación en la industria del software

José Antonio Ortega Barros

Director AM Solutions - Tecnocom



José Antonio Ortega is the Director of Outsourcing Application Management Solutions in Tecnocom. His primary mission is business development, whose activities led him to support the growth of his company into new markets like Latin America.
Tecnocom is an International Spanish Company listed in the Spanish Stock Exchange Market since 1987. In 2006, Tecnocom started a Corporate growth process aiming to become a leader in the Spanish IT market. Lately Tecnocom is one of the TOP five IT Market companies in Spain (around 400 M euro revenue and over 6,000 employees) widely expertised in high level technology operations such as banking payment systems or automation systems. Its regional presence includes Spain, Portugal and Latin America (Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Costa Rica and Dominican Republic). Tecnocom has developed a strong regional strategy to achieve greater proximity to customers, and investing in innovation as a means of differentiation. In the last two years, Tecnocom has invested over € 6 million R&D.
José Antonio has developed his career in ​​operations areas, leading application outsourcing services with important clients of national and international scene, leadind services with very different delivery models (nearshore offshore etc. ..).
Today, in addition to business development activities, his operational experience is allowing José Antonio to lead in Tecnocom the Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG), which manages the CMMi initiative. Tecnocom is currently a CMMi Level 3 company, constellations of development and services . Additionally José Antonio Ortega is responsible for various initiatives that have emerged within the SEPG: Six Sigma programs for continuous improvement, program to develop the Service Management model based on PMI called TecPM model, or projects to implement automation tools to support the management outsourcing services life Cycle.
Moreover, José Antonio Ortega led several innovation projects, projects that are being developed with several Spanish universities and technology centers. In 2011, he has participated as an evaluator in the TIN project tracking event of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
José Antonio Ortega has a degree in Computer Science from the UDC, he graduated an Executive MBA from NovaCaixaGalicia Business School, and a PMD from ESADE. Also he is a guest speaker at the Escuela de Organización Industrial and at the Business Technological Institute CaixaGalicia. He is also a frequent speaker at industry events dedicated to issues of IT Outsourcing. He is an active participant in the Outsourcing Commission of AMETIC (Spanish ICT sectorial association).

Carlos Pedrinaci

Lunes 5, 16:30-17:30

Toward the Next Wave of Services: Linked Services for the Web of Data

Carlos Pedrinaci

Knowledge Media Institute - The Open University



Dr. Carlos Pedrinaci is a research fellow of the Knowledge Media Institute at the Open University since 2006. He holds an MSc in Computer Science and a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the University of the Basque Country (Spain). His research interests include Semantic Web Services, Knowledge-Based Systems, Knowledge Engineering and Business Process Analysis. Dr. Pedrinaci has worked in several research projects in the area of semantics and services such as OBELIX (EU FP5 STREP), DIP (EU FP6 IP), SUPER (EU FP6 IP), SOA4All (EU FP7 IP) where he served in the management board as leader of the Fundamental and Integration Activities, and VPH Share (EU FP7 IP). He is actively involved in the standardization of Semantic Web Services technologies notably as member of the W3C SAWSDL Working Group, the Conceptual Models for Services Working Group, and previously of the WSMO Working Group. Dr. Pedrinaci has published over 60 papers in major conferences and international journals and has co-organized a number of conferences, workshops, and summer schools including notably ESWC 2010 as Panel Chair, ESWC 2012 as Track Chair as well as the European summer school on Service and Software Architectures, Infrastructures and Engineering (SSAIE 2009-2010) where he served as member of the steering committee and tutor.


Lunes 5, 18:00-19:30

Mesa redonda: Evaluación en Informática y carrera profesional


María Alpuente Frasnedo

CNEAI, Miembro del Comité Asesor de Ingenierías de la Comunicación, Computación y Electrónica.


Inmaculada García Fernández

ANEP, Coordinadora del Área de Ciencias de la Computación y Tecnología Informática.


Juan José Moreno Navarro

Director General de Política Universitaria del Ministerio de Educación.


Araceli Sanchís de Miguel

ANECA, Coordinadora de Evaluación de Profesorado.



Isidro Ramos Salavert

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia


Shari Pfleeger

Martes 6, 09:00-10:00

Human in the Loop: How Understanding People Helps Us Build Better Software

Shari Pfleeger



Shari Lawrence Pfleeger is Director of Research for the Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection (I3P), a consortium of 27 US universities, national laboratories and research companies. The I3P's multi-institutional, multidisciplinary projects and workshops address problems in cyber security, dependability, safety and reliability. Formerly she was a senior researcher at the RAND Corporation, a not-for-profit company doing high-quality, high-impact research in the public interest. At RAND, she worked on policy and decision-making issues that help organizations and government agencies understand whether and how information technology supports their mission and goals. From 1982 to 2003, Dr. Pfleeger was president of Systems/Software, Inc., a consultancy specializing in software engineering and technology. From 1997 to 2000, she was also a visiting professor at the University of Maryland's computer science department. Prior to that, she was founder and director of Howard University's Center for Research in Evaluating Software Technology (CREST), and was a visiting scientist at the City University (London) Centre for Software Reliability, principal scientist at MITRE Corporation's Software Engineering Center, and manager of the measurement program at the Contel Technology Center.
Her publications include "Analyzing Computer Security" (with Charles Pfleeger, Prentice Hall, 2011), "Software Engineering: Theory and Practice" (4th edition, with Joanne Atlee, 2009, Prentice Hall), "Security in Computing" (4th edition, with Charles P. Pfleeger, 2007, Prentice Hall), "Solid Software" (2001, with Les Hatton and Charles Howell, Prentice Hall), and "Software Metrics: A Rigorous and Practical Approach" (2nd edition, with Norman Fention, 1996, Boyd and Fraser Publishers). Dr. Pfleeger was book review editor for IEEE Security and Privacy magazine until 2007, and she is currently an associate editor. She was for several years the associate editor-in-chief of IEEE Software, where she edited the Quality Time column, and then associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. From 1998 to 2002, she was a member of the editorial board of Prentice Hall's Software Quality Institute series. She is a senior member of IEEE, the IEEE Computer Society, and the Association for Computing Machinery. She has been on the executive council of the IEEE Technical Council on Software Engineering, and was the vice chair of the executive committee for the Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection from 2005 to 2008.