Garcia-Gonzalez, D.,
Human activity recognition: new approaches based on machine learning and deep learning
Suilen H. Alvarado,
Aplicación de técnicas de desarrollo automatizado de software en Sistemas de Información Geográfica
Freire C., Borja,
Development of efficient De Bruijn graph-based algorithms for genome assembly
Martinez Perez, C.,
Captura, representación, consulta y clasificación semántica de trayectorias
Varela Rodeiro, T.,
Representation and Exploitation of Event Sequences
Gómez-Brandón, A.,
Succinct and Self-Indexed Data Structures for the Exploitation and Representation of Moving Objects
Lopez Lopez, N.,
Algorithms and methods for the study of brain connectivity based on dMRI
Galaktionov, D.,
Compressed data structures for trajectory representation
Silva Coira, F.,
Compact data structures for large and complex datasets
Cortiñas, A.,
Software Product Line for web-based Geographic Information Systems
de Bernardo, Guillermo,
New data structures and algorithms for the efficient management of large spatial datasets
Cerdeira-Pena, A.,
Compressed Self-Indexed XML Representation with Efficient XPath Evaluation
Cotelo, J. A. ,
Dualgrid: A closed representation space for consistent spatial databases
Ares, L.,
Métodos de mellora do rendemento en buscas por similitude sobre espazos métricos
Trillo, R.,
Semantic Techniques for improving keyword-based searching
Ladra, S.,
Algorithms and Compressed Data Structures for Information Retrieval
Pedreira, O.,
An effective approach for selecting indexing objects in metric spaces
Seco, D.,
Técnicas de indexación y recuperación de documentos utilizando referencias geográficas y textuales
Rodríguez, F. J.,
Desarrollo de un sistema ontológico para la integración de fuentes de datos heterogéneas
Fariña, A.,
New compression codes for text databases
Luaces, M. R.,
A Generic Architecture for Geographic Information Systems
Viqueira, J. R.,
Formal Extension of the Relational Model for the Management of Spatial and Spatio-temporal Data
Places, A. S.,
Arquitectura para Federación de Bases de Datos Documentales Basada en Ontologías
Paramá, J. R.,
Chase of Datalog Programs and its application to solve the Functional Dependencies Implication Problem
López, J. R.,
Marco para a Evolución de Esquemas Conceptuais Temporais de Sistemas de Información
Penabad, M. R.,
A General Procedure to Test Conjunctive Query Containment
Brisaboa, N. R.,
Inclusión de Consultas Conjuntivas bajo la Semántica de Bolsas